Eve is here for Your Kids!
A 25-year bi-lingual teacher
An early adopter of equity in the classroom
A young grandmother, she fights for your kids
Four-year Board Trustee, she understands the responsibility
Strong Family Values, she cares about your rights as parents
Re-Elect Eve Hinton SLCUSD Trustee November 5, 2024

A good education for your children starts with Parental Involvement. That happens when you keep Eve Hinton!
We all agree on one thing: YOUR KIDS ARE PRECIOUS and deserve a Class-A education. That is what this team is all about! Parents, what is going on with your kiddo’s education? Eve Hinton was elected to the Board in 2020 to make some changes:
- Keep your children in school instead of sitting in front of a monitor.
- Keep you informed about what the State of California has in store for your children’s education. Mrs. Hinton was instrumental in starting the Parents Education Series about how new California Laws impact the school and your family.
Then there is Equity:
- Mrs. Hinton brings with her 25 years of bi-lingual education in elementary schools.
- Dedication and passion to immerse the young Spanish speakers into the challenging English language AND get the English speakers to engage with their Hispanic classmates.
Trust is important:
Mrs. Hinton was unanimously voted onto three subcommittees by her colleagues: District Equity, Environmental Sustainability, and Board Policy.
This Board of Trustees has successfully completed your Measure D investment to improve the high school campuses, and successfully launched your Measure C investment to improve elementary school facilities.
School Board continuity is a key to your child’s success.
Real People that Endorse Eve Hinton. Why? Because they know she will protect parental rights and protect our children.
Dr. Lance and Annabel Wallnau, International Business Executive
Mike and Jan Sparrow, Pastors
Chris and Julie Cucchiara, Business Owners
John and Lenea Sparrow, Pastors

All means All
SLCUSD Trustee 2024
What to Know about Eve
NOT an Attorney
NOT a political activist
Not Special interest groups
A 25-year Bilingual Teacher